A Thorough Explanation of How to Utilize ASO for the Google Play Store

Effective App Store Optimization (ASO) on the Google Play Store involves three key elements: text measures, creative measures, and review measures.

ASO measures refer to optimizing the store page to maximize the number of app downloads. Google Play is a platform for Android users to install apps, and if you take appropriate ASO measures on Google Play, your apps will be more likely to be noticed by Android users, which will maximize impressions and maximize downloads by increasing download rates.

ASO on the Google Play Store is one of the most essential elements for anyone involved in app development!

Here are three elements you need to keep in mind to successfully implement ASO measures on the Google Play Store:

Text measures

The first measure we want to keep in mind is the "text" measure.

The key point here is to select keywords that are compatible with the app and submit those keywords in the title, brief description, and detailed description.

By submitting compatible keywords in the text, the keywords will be judged to be highly relevant to the app and will easily move up in the store rankings. The efficacy of the measure will vary depending on keyword content and placement.

However, even if the keyword is a good match for the app, if it is a keyword that is rarely searched for in the store, it will not lead to an increase in downloads because the search volume is low to begin with.

If you want to decide which keywords should be prioritized, try using Google's Keyword Planner or other analysis tools. By understanding the search volume for the keywords to be addressed, it is possible to maximize the number of downloads.

If you can achieve a high store ranking for a keyword that has a high search volume and is a good match, it will catch the attention of many users who search for that keyword, creating an opportunity to increase the number of downloads.

In addition, this “text” portion has a higher impact in the Google Play Store than the App Store, so it can be said that text measures have a much higher priority.


The second is "creative" measures.

Creative refers to the app icons, screenshots, and preview videos displayed on the Google Play Store. By attractively designing the app's appeal points and actual game previews, creatives can raise the expectations of users who see the app and encourage them to click and download it.

In particular, the screenshots (3 vertical images or 1 horizontal image) that are first displayed on the app page are the part that users see the most. This can have an impact on click/download rates.

Enhancing your app's store ranking with relevant keywords and improved text can indeed boost the number of impressions. However, solely focusing on text optimization may not fully maximize downloads – the primary goal of ASO. To achieve the best results, it's essential to complement textual measures with creative strategies for your store page.


The third measure is the "review" measure.

In the Google Play Store, users' review ratings of apps are one of the most important elements of ASO. In particular, total reviews (average rating) and top reviews (highly trusted reviews) are the most likely to catch the attention of users who have moved to the app page. Each of them is explained below.

Total Review

The total review is the average of all ratings from 1 to 5 given by users who have actually used the app.

The influence of the total review is quite significant. It is said that if the total review is less than 4 ★, more than half of the users will stop downloading, and if it is 4 ★ or more, almost 100% of the users will keep their desire to download high.

These results indicate that it is also important to maximize downloads by considering measures to encourage users to rate your app highly. For example, displaying a pop-up encouraging users to rate an app when they have a positive experience can help increase the value of the total review.

Top Reviews

Top reviews are highly trusted reviews written by users who have actually used the app that are displayed on the app page with up to the top three reviews displayed on the page.

Since most users tend to check the top reviews before making a decision, the content written in the top reviews is very important.

Statistically, it is also said that about 79% of users check top reviews before installing and more than 50% check top reviews when updating, paying for in-app purchases, or making purchases.

When choosing a product or store, have you ever wondered about the reviews of users who have actually used the product or store? The same is true when choosing an app, and we find that top reviews are quite important.

If you receive a bad review from a user who has used an app, you need to be sure to respond to it, and not just leave it at that. By replying to reviews directly from the store page and responding to users sincerely, users will have more confidence in the app and may even update their reviews.

What do you think?

Now that we have covered the key points of ASO on the Google Play Store, what do you think?

ASO measures encompass more than just text optimization; they also involve creative elements and reviews, all of which contribute to enhancing the transition from awareness to app downloads in the store. Most importantly, acquiring high-quality users through these efforts can significantly maximize revenue potential.

Some people may think that store optimization is not necessary as long as ads are being distributed, but users always move to the app page in the store when they download, so ASO measures are essential to ensure that they are connected to downloads.

These are the tips on how to best utilize ASO for the Google Play Store! We hope this article has been of some help to those who read it.

Please take a look at our other articles on our page for more tips and tricks. You can also reach out to us for a personalized workshop to improve your ASO!

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