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Ad Campaign


An advertising campaign is a place where the objectives and KPIs of advertising delivery, target, budget, duration, and advertising creative are determined.

Why is this important?

It plays a crucial role particularly in terms of goals and budget. The importance of each KPI for each advertisement is determined under the campaign. Also, the cost to be used for the advertisement per day is decided under the ad campaign.


Taking Apple Search Ads as an example, the specific cases are as follows.

  1. Access Apple Search Ads and create an account. Enter the necessary information (company information, payment information, etc.).
  2. Click the "Create Campaign" button to start a new campaign.
  3. Select an app, and set the campaign name and budget.
  4. Target the desired user base and regions.
  5. Create ad groups to manage different target audiences and keyword strategies.
  6. Set the target demographics, device types, and schedule.
  7. Choose keywords to display ads. Select match types such as broad match and exact match.
  8. Conduct competitive analysis and determine keyword bidding strategies.
  9. Set bid amounts for each keyword.
  10. Manage daily and total budgets to prevent overspending.
  11. Create ad text, visuals, and calls to action.Highlight the features of the app and consider content that attracts users.
  12. After starting the campaign, track performance and adjust as needed.Regularly review keyword performance and eliminate inefficient keywords.
  13. Performance measurement and analysis: Use the ASA dashboard to measure campaign performance.Analyze metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversion rates, and CPI (Cost Per Install).

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