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An open-source mobile operating system developed by Google. It is widely used on devices such as smartphones and tablets. Android holds a dominant share in the smartphone market, with over 70% of smartphones worldwide running on Android (estimated as of 2023).

What does this actually mean?

Here are so common features and general information of Androids:

  • Open Source: This refers to the fact that Android's source code is open source, contributing to its adoption by a diverse range of manufacturers and expansion of market share.
  • Wide app Ecosystem: This refers to the Google Play Store, which offers millions of apps, enhancing the appeal of Android devices.
  • Customizable: This refers to the ability of users to freely customize their devices, allowing for use tailored to individual needs.
  • Wide Hardware Support: This refers to the fact that Android is used on a wide range of devices, from low-cost smartphones to high-end models.
  • Market Share: Android's market share is very large, particularly in emerging markets such as Asia, Africa, and South America. This is due to Android being adopted on low-cost smartphones and a variety of manufacturers producing Android devices.The size of this market share is attractive to app developers, just like iOS, and motivates them to develop apps for the Android platform.

Common languages and technology involved with Android are:

  • Java & Kotlin: These are widely used in the development of Android apps.
  • Android Studio: This is the official IDE for developing Android apps.

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